Sexual Abuse

Abuse » Types of Abuse » Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse can include:

  • forced oral contact such as kissing
  • grabbing or groping
  • genital contact
  • oral sex
  • vaginal or anal penetration
  • forced exposure to pornography

Sexual assault can be violent or coercive. Coercion does not involve physical force. It happens when someone uses manipulation, pressure or threats to make someone do something they do not want to do.

Signs of Sexual Abuse

  • pain, bleeding, or bruising in the genital or other areas of the body
  • depression
  • signs of fear, withdrawal, anxiety or passivity
  • sleeping more or less than usual
  • difficulty in trusting others
  • developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol
  • experiencing flashbacks
  • engaging in self-harming behaviours
  • lowered self-esteem

NOTE: Some of these indicators may be present and the older adult is not being abused. These are only possible signs of abuse.

For more information, see CPLEA’s Let’s talk: Elder abuse resource manual.